Protect Your Apple AirPods From Theft With This Sticker

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People may have been more vocally upset by Apple’s decision to kill the headphone jack, but of all the design missteps in the post-Steve Jobs era, the AirPods may be the biggest. This handy little sticker might help with one problem—the tiny $160 headphones are highly stealable.

Specifically tailored to fit on the front of an AirPod case, this translucent sticker will convincingly disguise the Bluetooth headphones as an ordinary pack of floss. In the event that that tiny storage device gets left on the breakroom table, for example, a co-worker with sticky fingers would be more likely to overlook it.


Still, the biggest problem with the AirPod design is keeping up with them. They aren’t good for active situations like jogging, they’re easy to drop in a toilet and if you misplace one of them, it’ll cost $69 to replace. The best solution thus far seems to be buying a third-party accessory that adds a wire to the wireless technological wonder. Some people have taken the biohacking route:


Gizmodo’s Christina Warren found a lot to like about the AirPods based on first impressions, though she noted that the design “lacks polish that I’m used to seeing from Apple’s design team.”

Less than a month ago, Apple was reportedly still working out connectivity issues with the headphones which may have been responsible for delays.

Now that they’ve officially hit the market, only time will tell if the public is willing to overlook the obvious headaches. Apple CEO Tim Cook told CNBC last week that the AirPods “are a runaway success.” If that’s true, people want them, so a $5 anti-theft investment might be worth it.


