
23 Apr 2024

Intel 's bid for new chip manufacturing plant could bring hundreds of jobs

3,000 construction and over 850 full time posts

Kildare's Intel now ready to bid for estimated €4billion new chip manufacturing plant

Intel in Leixlip

Intel has been planning permission for its expansion, which will now enable the multi-national company to bid for an estimated €4billion new chip manufacturing plant.

 County Kildare Chamber today welcomed the decision by Kildare County Council to grant permission to ensure that the Leixlip Plant has the capacity to manufacture the latest Semiconductor Technology. Intel Ireland is now in a position to bid for a $4bn (€3.6bn) investment from head office.

 Allan Shine, CEO of the Chamber said “This planning permission now ensures that Intel Ireland can bid for the tender which if successful will create 3,000 construction jobs and in excess of 850 full time jobs once developed. 

"This is great news for Kildare and further demonstrates that Kildare is the location of choice for existing and potential business enterprises.  I am confident that Intel Ireland will be successful in this bid as Kildare is primed for further development”

Local TD and Fianna Fáil Science and Technology spokesperson James Lawless welcomed the decision by Kildare County Council.

Deputy Lawless said “From my meetings with Intel I understand this application has been in the process for some time but this is the final stage of securing that permission. Essentially the entire manufacturing process has to be rewired for the next generation of chip technology which involves wholesale changes to every aspect of the facility. This is ground breaking, globally leading technology being developed right here in Leixlip". 

"This permission now enables Intel Ireland to bid for the tender which if successful will create 3,000 construction jobs and in excess of 850 full time jobs once developed" conculded Deputy Lawless.


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