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Apple CEO Mulls $100 Billion Cash -- How About a One-Time $53-a-Share Dividend?

This article is more than 10 years old.

Apple Stock Chart by YCharts

Apple (AAPL) has so much cash that, as of December 31, 2011, it held just $30 billion or so of the stash in what was classified as cash and short-term securities. Apparently looking for a better return, another $67.5 billion is in long-term marketable securities. Let’s call it an even $100 billion. CEO Tim Cook told the annual meeting last week that Apple is thinking “very deeply” about its cash, and added, the Wall Street Journal reported, “It’s a lot. It’s more than we need to run the company.” Indeed, with about 942 million shares outstanding, Apple could make a one-time payout of $53 a share, and still have about $50 billion sitting around. As seen above, the money keeps rolling in. Would such a payout dent Apple’s market cap of nearly $500 billion?

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