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Video Game To Be Used in Cathedral Service

This article is more than 10 years old.

Finally, you don’t have to choose between playing videogames and going to church. According to the Verge, the UK’s Exeter Cathedral is going to be incorporating thatgamecompany’s “Flower” into its services this coming Sunday.

This idea is that congregants will pass the controller back and forth until they finish a level. There’s certainly something spiritual about the gentle back and forth and slowly swelling music in Flower, and the idea of using an interactive experience to communicate something about our relationship with God is sure to bring a smile to the face of even the most jaded games advocate.

Up until humanism and the Enlightenment, the Church was always at the forefront of the arts, and it’s nice to see something so current being used at a centuries-old establishment like the Exeter Cathedral. Thatgamecompany does a wonderful job of quiet titles that are designed to activate feelings in the player first and foremost, and Flower seems like a perfect choice for this kind of project.

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