Our New MacBook Airs Are Bugging Out. Are Yours?

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Over the past couple of days, a few of us had the great good fortune of receiving our new MacBook Airs direct from Shanghai via FedEx. Is there anything so thrilling as the promise of a fresh computer, sealed in its box, untouched and cold cold cold?

But wait! Hold up. Our brand-spanking-new MBAs are bugging out! Earlier this afternoon, mine froze abruptly, with few programs running. And just now an ominous-looking black box flashed onto my screen, announcing that I need to restart my computer, no explanation.


Tipped off by Giz intern Michael Zhao (whose MBA gave him the same shenanigans earlier, as did his brother's), I rebooted to Disk Utility mode, verified disk permissions, and repaired the permissions errors that were reported.


It's worth noting, I think, that all three of our computers have the upgraded RAM.

Anyone else experience the same issue/s? Something different? Discuss!