26,000 words —

Get our Mountain Lion review as a PDF or e-book (Updated)

The link to the e-book is now live.

OS X Mountain Lion launch day is upon us, which can mean only one thing—a 26,000 word John Siracusa review of the new operating system. Not everyone wants to read that much text on the Web, of course, so we've made other reading options available. Support Ars and they're yours.

Subscribe to Ars: Subscribers to Ars Technica get all sorts of great benefits, including a total absence of ads on the site and full-text RSS feeds, for $50 a year. Subs also get access to PDF versions and one-page Web versions of our feature stories.

In the case of the Mountain Lion review, we're making PDF, .epub (Nook, iPad, iPhone), and .mobi (Kindle) versions available as one-click downloads from within the review itself. Print out the piece or read it on the device of your choice—these files are included free with your subscription.

Buy the e-book: Not interested in subscribing right now? You can buy the Mountain Lion review directly from Amazon.com and have it beamed instantly to your Kindle, phone, tablet, or computer.

Thanks for reading—and supporting—Ars Technica!

Update: The e-book is now available for purchase on Amazon.

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