7 tech trends that will help your business in 2013

What's in store for IT professionals in 2013? Biometrics, 3D printing, and a whole lot more

In the enterprise, the more you know about the future, the better off you are. This allows executives to make plans for deployments, deal with IT dilemmas, and make sound contingency plans. Yet one trend is clear: What we know about technology now will change. Email used to be the standard for most corporate communication, but now the writing is on the wall, giving way to more immediate social transmissions. These seven trends for 2013 will likely affect many businesses of all sizes -- including yours.

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1. Hospitals will move to BYOD
In 2012, the bring-your-own-device-to-work concept took root. More of us started using iPads and connecting to guest networks than ever before.

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Now, we'll see the same transition even with highly regulated, secure environments like hospitals. Companies such as Care Thread focus on this tech transition, making sure personal devices match rigorous company privacy and security standards.

2. 3D printing will mature
Three-dimensional printing ranked among the major tech trends of 2012, mostly due to the lowering costs of the printers. What used to cost $20,000 now clocks in at under $3,000.

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Today's printers allow you to fabricate a plastic part in your own home office or small business. One interesting side effect: A company called PriveCo sells kits for 3D printing discrete products, from hair-loss products to home medical treatments.

3. Passwords will fade into oblivion
Leave it to a cover story in Wired magazine to usher in an age-old technology. Biometric security has been around for the past decade or more, but it has never taken root-yet when a hacker steals your password, he often gains access to all your secure portals.

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Biometrics uses the iris in your eye, your voice or your fingerprint as a security precaution. In 2013, as we realize how passwords can be easily hacked, we'll finally move into the age of better authentication using your own body.

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