Thoughts on iPhone sizes

As discussed in some length in the podcasts, I chose the iPhone 6 over the 6+. Brian ended up getting the 6+. Over the weekend I certainly had a lot of time with the iPhone 6, but also went out and got some hands on time with the 6+.

One of my main concerns was the "pocketability" of the iPhone 6+. I don't want to carry a special bag for my phone, wear it on my belt, or any other accessory. Nor do I want to hold it everywhere I go. I want to carry my phone like I always do, which is in my pants pocket. I felt the iPhone 6+ would force me to change from that. To my surprise, it actually fits OK in standard fit jeans. It's also not uncomfortable to sit with the iPhone 6+ stored. I think the general thinness of the phone plus rounded corners help compared to what I was expecting with a supersized iPhone 5s.

Holding the phone itself isn't bad either, although it makes one hand operation more awkward than the iPhone 6. Of course, the 6 is more awkward than the 5/s, which is more so than the 4/s. I came away thinking that had I ordered the 6+, I'd be OK with it, but I think I still prefer the iPhone 6.

On the iPhone 6, it's a significant size upgrade over the iPhone 5/s. So, either way, I feel I'm getting substantial upgrade. When grocery shopping, we keep our lists on our phones using AnyList, so I'm pushing a cart while holding the phone. I felt the iPhone 6 is getting a little big to do this and I think the 6+ would force me to change how we shop to some extent. Again, I'm not excited to compromise just to have a larger phone.

Lastly, I rarely use an iPad anymore. I just use the iPad away from the family room it to watch video with the TiVo app. My workflow is pretty much iPhone, MacBook Air, and large screen iPad, so a 6+ doesn't really take away a job from a device. If I preferred the iPad mini, then I think I would be more drawn to the 6+ because I could remove a device from my workflow. As it stands, however, the iPhone 6 simply makes everything I do with the iPhone better with no compromises. At least for this upgrade cycle.