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AMD Actively Developing Catalyst 15.5 Beta Driver for Project CARS and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Category: Software
Posted: 05:00AM

Just last week, the developer of Project CARS, Slightly Mad Studios, released an official statement in regards to the poor performance gamers have been struggling with on AMD GPUs. Gamers utilizing graphics cards from AMD have also been experiencing performance issues in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt due to NVIDIA Hairworks technology. While the AMD community has come together to help each other improve their in-game experiences, it has been revealed that new Catalyst drivers targeting both games will be released fairly soon. According to AMD, the Catalyst 15.5 beta will optimize performance for both video game titles, and the driver will be released to gamers as soon as development is complete.

Source: WCCFtech

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slick2500 Photo
slick2500 on May 25, 2015 15:53

I wonder if they will fix the AA issue in GTA V.

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