
26 Apr 2024

Dell hired 120 graduates from 20 colleges in last year

Dell hired 120 graduates from 20 colleges in last year

Pictured at Dell Limerick’s graduate and intern day were Louise Byrne from Dublin with Limerick staff Sesno Ileozor and Ann-Marie Reidy

SOME 120 third level graduates who have recently joined Dell computers were at the firm’s Raheen campus for a special event.

The computer giant hosted a special ‘Graduate and Intern Day’ aimed at fostering innovation and collaboration.

Dell has recruited new staff over the past year from over 20 third level colleges.

They are now working in IT, supply chain, sales, services deployment and software at Dell’s campuses in Raheen and Cherrywood, Co Dublin.

The day featured a discussion with some of the firm’s most senior staff including Denis Kelly, the global vice-president of client support, and Limerick-based Fiona McCarthy, the executive director of HR services for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Ms McCarthy said: “Part of what makes Dell such a vibrant work environment is the balance of experience levels we have achieved across our many campuses. We are fortunate to have access to a great pipeline of talent in the high quality graduates coming through third level bodies across Ireland. They are welcomed into an inclusive environment where people are encouraged to be themselves and to bring their talents and ideas to bear on their work.”

She called on the company’s new staff to join Dell’s employee resource group, including Gen Next for young professionals.

“Part of our workforce strategy is to have a significant percentage of our workforce made up of graduates and millennials by 2020, on which we have made significant progress,” she added.

Dell Ireland remains one of Limerick’s biggest employers, with over 1,200 staff on its books at its campus at the Raheen Industrial Estate.

These staff are working mainly in the areas of research and development. Dell opened in Limerick in 1991, and employed over 5,000 staff at its peak.

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