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MacSurfer's Archive: Saturday, September 20, 2008


  • "Hey Apple: 5 Computers per iTunes Account Not Enough!" Taxman: The Blog 10:09 PM
  • "In search of my perfect e-book reader: My new iPod Touch as progress" TeleRead 9:13 PM
  • "iPod Touch Skype Phone Capability Coming Soon?" The UberReview 8:19 PM
  • "Turn an iPhone Into a Pocket Theremin" Slashdot 8:16 PM
  • "Apple Recalls iPhone 3G Power Adpaters.... Lawsuits Can't Be Far Behind..." The IT Nerd 4:21 PM
  • "The Apple Store an Independent Developers dream comes true" TechWag 2:36 PM
  • "Rumor: Is Apple's 'Brick' A Mac Mini Redesign?" iPhone Savior 10:27 AM
  • "Now an iPhone bug fixer from Apple" iStumbled 8:19 AM
  • "Dell XPS 1530 Vs Apple MACBook" Tech World 8:11 AM
  • "Why Sergey Brin May Have Disclosed His Risk for Parkinson's" New York Times 9/19
  • "iPod Nano's Voice App Needs Rethinking" Cult of Mac 9/19
  • "7Digital No Great Threat to iTunes' U.S. Market" Cult of Mac 9/19
  • "Does Apple do Conceptual design? Sure, but we'll never see it" Coolest Gadgets 9/19
  • "NBC sees 1 million downloads in 10 days after crawling back to iTunes" MacDailyNews 9/19
  • "With 10% of the US Notebook Market, Where Will Apple Go Next?"  Low End Mac 9/19
  • "New NVIDIA Chipset: For Use in New MacBook"  Mac Soda 9/19
  • "Nokia's Comes With Music Poses Threat To iTunes Dominance: Report" 9/19
  • "Nokia Could Loosen Apple's Grip On Digital Music"  Cult of Mac 9/19
  • "Testing your iPhone coolness: Your iPhone applications say a lot about you." Fortune Magazine 9/19
  • "Huh. Those Mac Ads Aren't As Funny Any More." TechCrunch 9/19
  • "Apple Approves Another Pointless iPhone Application" Gizmodo 9/19
  • "How to Plug In to Slow Down" Mac|Life 9/19
  • "Why today's college student has a Mac and an iPhone instead of a Dell and a Blackberry" kiley dorton 9/19
  • "Hasta la Vista, Vista! I'm Back to Mac, Jack!" ["If you've ever used Vista Home Basic, you're not reading this. Because you're dead. Because you killed yourself. I wanted help killing myself, so I googled 'escape Vista!'. The moment Vista was typed Internet Explorer hijacked me to, whereupon my screen froze like Tin Woodsman exiting a steam bath."] 9/19
  • "Microsoft 'I'm a PC' ads are channeling Apple's 'Crazy Ones'" CounterNotions 9/19
  • "When will we see the 32gb iPhone?" 9/19
  • "A Mac User Buys His 1st PC – or How a $550 Laptop can cost more than $1200" My First Mac 9/19
Microsoft Ads vs. Apple
  • "I Think I've Got This Microsoft 'Windows vs. Walls' Thing Figured Out." The Small Wave 7:16 AM
  • "Microsoft's 'I'm a PC' Ads - Made on a Mac" Cult of Mac 9/19
  • "New Microsoft Apple Attack Ads: Not Funny" CRN 9/19
  • "What is Microsoft thinking? Some thoughts on the Microsoft commercials" CrunchGear 9/19
  • "Say It Loud: I'm a PC and I'm Proud" 9/19
  • "I'm a PC—and I'm desperate for people to like me" Cult of Mac 9/19
  • "Do TV Ads Sell Macs? Can TV Ads Help Sell PCs?" Mac360 9/19
  • "Shameful Admissions: I Kind Of Like The New Microsoft 'I'm A PC' Ads" 9/19
  • "Microsoft airs its 'I'm a PC' ads (with video): The ads are insanely stupid because if you're living a 'Life Without Walls,' then you obviously have no need for Windows." MacDailyNews 9/19
  • "I am a PC ad:Apple is Microsoft's Creative Department" Desinformado 9/19
  • "Good God, I Sort of Like Microsoft's New Windows Ads" Technologizer 9/19
  • "'I'm a PC': Microsoft Airs New Line of Ads" 10:08 PM
  • "Comcast Discloses Throttling Practices" Slashdot 8:19 AM
  • "Dork talk: Are you Coke or Pepsi? PC or Mac? Oxford or Cambridge? Nikon or Canon?" The Guardian 9/19
  • "Editorial - What To Do About Blu-ray? Just Go For It" iPodObserver 9/19
  • "The wild, wacky world of webcams grows up -- kinda" Computerworld 9/19
  • "Database Options for the Cloud" eWeek 9/19
  • "Lessons of the Sarah Palin e-mail hack" InfoWorld 9/19
  • "Here's the Word on less expensive software: Google, Zoho, even Microsoft, offering free and lower-cost programs" MSNBC 9/19
  • "How telcos and ISPs are prepping for a pandemic" Network World 9/19
  • "The Stupidest Technologies for Your Home: These 10 ridiculous products—from a motorized spray bottle to a retractable ceiling fan—make us question why anyone would actually use them." PC Magazine 9/19
  • "Chrome's an OS, not a Browser! Google's Chrome app may accelerate the move to cloud computing." PC Magazine 9/19
  • "Awaiting the Google Phone: Whether Google has succeeded in revolutionizing the cell phone may depend on who you ask." Technology Review 9/19
  • "Impressive physics, visuals power new 'Star Wars' game" USA Today 9/19
  • "Five Things That Netbooks Need to Succeed" Wired Blogs 9/19
  • "Sarah Palin Hack an Example of Password Recovery Backfire" eWeek 9/19
  • "Blu-Ray may have won the race, but DVD level of success far from guaranteed" Macsimum News 9/19
  • "How I dumped my DVR for a terabyte TiVo" ZDNet Blogs 9/19
  • "Do You Live In Jacksonville, Indianapolis or Milwaukee? You May Want To Hold Off On Buying Google's Android 'Gphone" Silicon Alley Insider 9/19
  • "Text messaging fees... check. Hmmm, what else can we charge?" The Joy of Tech 9/19