
20 Apr 2024

Training board vows to help Leixlip HP workers

Training board vows to help Leixlip HP workers

The HP campus at Leixlip

The Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board has vowed to help the HP Inc workers facing job losses in Leixlip.

Chief Executive Sean Ashe has said that  “every support within KWETBs remit will be put in place” to support those affected and their families.

“KWETB will provide career guidance, training and upskilling opportunities at numerous locations near Leixlip,” said the organisation in a statement.

Yesterday, Mr Ashe, together with representatives from Kildare County Council, the IDA, local politicians and Chambers of Commerce met with the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor.

The Minister, who said that the government had worked hard to try persuade HP not to cut jobs in Leixlip, added that the IDA would recoup grants paid to the tech giant.

Up to 500 jobs are expected to be impacted in North Kildare.

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