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AppAdvice Podcast Episode 80

AppAdvice Podcast Episode 80: Gather Round The Apple Donut Hole

September 6, 2018

Join us this week as Apple invites us to gather round the donut hole to fill our iPhone hunger on the AppAdvice Podcast episode 80.

We’re a week away from Apple’s next event, and the App Store is giving us fun in the mean time, on episode 80 of the AppAdvice Weekly Podcast. This week, we discuss Apple’s next event invite, a Google voice calling app, a Katamari inspired crazy adventure, a Hungry Shark spin off, an arcade golfing challenge, and more.

Google Duo - Video Calling
Google Duo - Video Calling
Google, Inc.
Donut County
Donut County
Annapurna Games, LLC
Hungry Dragon™
Hungry Dragon™
Golfing Around
Golfing Around
Colin Lane Games AB
Noch mal!
Noch mal!
Outline Development
Mikko Kankainen