
Google Maps supports adding hashtags to reviews

Use them to find #vegetarian restaurants or #wheelchairaccessible locations.

Google has introduced a new feature to Maps that will make business reviews more useful. Now, users who leave reviews for local establishments can include hashtags in their write-ups and readers can tap those hashtags to find other businesses with reviews using that same tag. Google told TechCrunch that the feature was rolled out to Android devices about a week ago, but there's no word yet on when it might arrive on iOS or the web.

The company is suggesting reviewers include up to five hashtags in their posts and that they should be listed at the end of the review. It also notes that reviewers should use specific hashtags like #vegetarian, #goodforselfies, #sunsetviews and #wheelchairaccessible rather than generic terms like #love or #food.

This is just the latest feature to roll out to Google Maps. Recently, Google also began storing user conversations with businesses on Maps, introduced the ability to follow businesses, added functions for groups and ETA sharing and launched a commute tab.