inessential by Brent Simmons

NetNewsWire Status

We just released NetNewsWire 5.0a3.

Almost all the current remaining work in the Beta milestone is writing — some tech notes and, most importantly, the Help book.

What will probably happen is that we’ll run out of coding to do while I’m still writing. Which is fine — it just means Maurice can go see how much we can use of SwiftUI in the iOS app. We want to go as all-in as possible (while still making a great app).

We’ll use SF Symbol too, of course. Probably Combine. All the things!

(Yes, we’ll be requiring iOS 13 for the iOS app.)

At any rate — the Mac app (minus documentation) is damn close to what’s going to ship. It’s just a matter of finding and fixing the last few bugs.

Maybe shipping in July? Fingers crossed. :)