Eddy Cue interview: ‘We watch a lot of TV but that doesn’t qualify us as experts’

He was the mastermind behind iTunes and Apple Music — now he has his eye on the small screen
Eddy Cue, at the studios of Apple’s radio station in King’s Cross, claims that real DJs and Elton John have already helped to bring in “tens of millions” of listeners for the station.
Eddy Cue, at the studios of Apple’s radio station in King’s Cross, claims that real DJs and Elton John have already helped to bring in “tens of millions” of listeners for the station.

Eddy Cue, the genial, unbuttoned, senior executive in charge of Apple’s music streaming and the tech giant’s imminent venture into television, is a very loyal man. At 54, he has spent his entire working life — 30 years — with Apple. He stayed even when its legend of a founder, Steve Jobs, was fired and, as he puts it, the Californian tech company was temporarily run by a “bozo”. Judging by the enraptured, basketball-fixated speech he gave to his alma mater in 2017, Mr Cue is equally loyal to Duke University in North Carolina.

“And to my wife,” he adds. “I’ve been married for 32 years.” He and Paula met at Duke, where each studied computer science. His sons got in there too, and his