
Steve Wozniak: Apple Watch is so great I can tell my wife the dog just pooped

The Apple co-founder offers fulsome enthusiasm for Cupertino's technology. He even thinks the Apple Card is a thing of beauty. And as for Apple Watch, it's just the greatest.
Written by Chris Matyszczyk, Contributing Writer

In love with his Apple Watch

Screenshot by ZDNet

When we stop to think about technology -- and most of the tech world would rather we didn't -- it's just astonishing how much it's improved our lives.

As tech has proliferated, the world has become a brighter place. We've improved as people, too.

Our communication skills, for example. Yes, you might say they become a little raw on Twitter, but think of the ways our ability to say important things has been elevated.

Why, I've just watched an interview given to Bloomberg by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. His unashamed enthusiasm for Apple can rarely have been more fulsome. 

He believes the Apple Card is "the most beautiful card I've ever had in my life." This is quite something, as Woz went on to explain: "And I don't even judge beauty in that way."

Veteran observers of Dancing With The Stars will surely remember that Woz is highly in-tune with exalted beauty and the way it's judged.

Still, in this latest interview Woz saved his highest praise -- 10 points, I imagine -- for the Apple Watch. He called it his favorite piece of technology.

I confess I haven't gravitated to the Watch's charms. The iPhone persuaded me a watch wasn't necessary. A few years later, however, it tried to talk me into wearing one again -- one that wouldn't work without my phone, which seemed a touch like a politician's broken promise.

Now, though, Woz's Watch has clearly elevated his life.

He explained: "The Apple Watch has so many pieces that make it so comfortable to me. I can be walking my dog and not have to carry a phone, not have to use a phone."

Who would have ever imagined, just a few years ago, that this could be possible? The mere idea that you can take Piggly the Pekinese for a constitutional and not worry about your body being imbalanced by a phone is a true breakthrough.

But wait. It's really changed Woz's communicative ways.

"We've got the iWatch [sic] when it's on LTE cellular," he said. "I can text my wife, you know, 'Walking the dog, Ziggy just pooped,' you know, whatever..."

Please, never question what goes on inside relationships. What may be unimportant or even strange to you may be a fundamental brick in someone else's loving wall.

Indeed, Woz has such a loving relationship with his Watch that he's largely ditched one of Apple's fundamental icons.

"I go from my computer in a hotel or at home," he said. "My computer to do efficient email or whatever and keep up with news going on in the world and then I move to the Watch, and I pretty much skip the phone," he said. "I'm not one of these people who wants to be, like, an addict."

He also offered a curious description of how Apple has succeeded: "Steve Jobs and I started this company trying to make blind and sighted people more equal, and we succeeded, because everywhere you go -- look on the sidewalk or in front of you in your car in the street -- and there's people walking along not seeing anything except their phone."

Ah. Oh.

Technology. It's done so much, hasn't it?

iPhone, iPad, and Mac buyer's guide: July 2019 edition

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