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  1. I would like to request cancel on these transactions since October 10 all the way to December 9 because we haven’t bought anything and we have checked, these purchases are not by us

  2. I have a transaction on my debit card that says “APPLE .COM BILL” and it runs for 16.41. I do not have any subscriptions for any Apple related apps. It isn’t just 1 payment, it is a monthly payment. Always taken on the 2nd of each month.

  3. I have a transaction on my credit card for the amount of 19.99. It was placed on my credit card by apple id – joa********** It was a purchase from the iTune Store. It was called the Blue Lagoon by Babar Wind order id MLTHY9BJW1, document no. 170290817360. Please find out if this was fraud or just a mistake.

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