Black Ink 2.0.2: Bug Fixes and Accessibility Improvement

January 7th, 2020

Black Ink 2.0.2 is now available on the Black Ink home page and from the Mac App Store.

This update is a follow-up release to Black Ink 2.0, including a number of fixes to bugs that have been reported since that release. Black Ink 2.0.1 was a Mac App Store-only release to address a problem with in-app purchases.

One notable improvement on the accessibility front, is this release includes a change to fix the behavior of “Speak Items Under Pointer,” a feature that announces items as you move the mouse cursor around. Previously this feature only announced across words, but it will now announce either across or down words, depending on the whether the current focus is on an across or down word.

Here’s the complete list of changes:

  • Accessibility
    • Improve “Speak items under the pointer” to speak the right clue for across or down depending on current focus
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue that caused downloads of older WSJ puzzles to fail
    • Fixed a bug that caused the puzzle window to drift off screen when making it larger
    • Fixed an issue that prevented logging in to American Values Club accounts when passwords contain particular characters
    • Fixed a bug that caused the timer to not be visible/started by default
    • Improved error handling when a downloaded puzzle cannot be saved for whatever reason

If you enjoy Black Ink, please consider writing a review or rating the app on the Mac App Store, or spreading the word on Facebook or Twitter! Questions or concerns? Get in touch at Thank you.