Animated concept: Instagram for Windows 95

Moscow-based designer Misha Petrick, who runs the Russian animation studio Petrick, took it upon himself to imagine what Instagram would look like on Microsoft’s Windows 95 as a native app, creating convincing mockups that you need to see to appreciate attention to detail.

The concept, available on Behance, takes advantage of the real user interface elements and animations which were all the rage in the 1995 when Windows 95 hit the market. You can see top of post how checking out your Instagram activity might look like on Windows 95.

Seen below: viewing posts.

Further below: playing with Instagram filters on a PC with 8-bit graphics.

Daring Fireball’s John Gruber, who put a spotlight on this concept earlier today, says he misses buttons “that look like buttons and clear distinctions between app chrome and content”.

Couldn’t agree more.

An exercise in art direction, interaction design and UI/UX, Misha’s Behance page is packed to the gills with awesome work and additional mockups, renderings and animations.

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