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Last Updated: Friday, 15 June 2007, 18:11 GMT 19:11 UK
Sony apologises over violent game
Sony Playstation scene of the interior of Manchester Cathedral
The Church says using the cathedral as a backdrop is "irresponsible"
Entertainment giant Sony has apologised to the Church of England for using Manchester cathedral as a backdrop to one of its violent computer games.

Senior Anglicans demanded "Resistance: Fall of Man" was withdrawn from sale as a battle is shown inside the building.

In a statement, Sony said the company "sincerely apologised" for causing any offence, but added it believed it "had sought all necessary permissions".

The Dean of the Cathedral, the Very Reverend Rogers Govender, thanked Sony.

He said in a statement: "We acknowledge the admission by Sony that the building in the game is Manchester Cathedral.

'Science fiction'

"We thank Sony for the apology they have made.

"However, we do not move from the position that we are against violence and especially the gun violence seen in this portrayal of the Cathedral."

The letter from Sony said: "We do not accept that there is any connection between contemporary issues of 21st Century Manchester and a work of science fiction in which a fictitious 1950s Britain is under attack by aliens.

"It is not our intention to cause offence by using a representation of Manchester Cathedral in chapter eight of the work. If we have done so we sincerely apologise."

Sony has not yet commented on the church's plea for the game to be removed from shop shelves.

Computer games guru defends Sony
11 Jun 07 |  Manchester
Talks over cathedral gun game row
10 Jun 07 |  Manchester
Cathedral row over video war game
09 Jun 07 |  Manchester


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