
Without question, this new Kickstarter project is destined for funding. UPPRCASE and lowrCASE, the brainchild(s) of Canadian’s Chris McRaild and Dylan Horvath, is more than 15% toward their funding goal of $20k.

UPPRCASE is their premium product and includes a protective cover that doubles as an ergonomic hand sleeve when it’s wrapped behind the shell. lowrrCASE is a version without the cover and works with Apple Smart Covers for iPad 2.


So when I first saw this idea, I couldn’t really wrap my brain around it. A handle – like a boom-box handle – for iPad? They call it a U-Bar. I call it ugly. It just doesn’t seem like a natural extension of iPad’s grace and award-winning design. So I looked at this product for a while, studied the photos and tried to imagine what it would be like.

This is one of those products that you’ll want to noodle on. Take some time to picture the times and settings where you are using iPad and the U-Bar’s unique ability to adjust in almost any position and to any angle, would be handy to have. One of the issues I have with almost every iPad case is the typical lack of angular agility. There are times when you need a steep angle. Other tines really shallow. The arm rests of my couch were not designed with any of the iPad cases in mind, nor did the case designers factor in my couch. UPPRCASE might just be the answer.

In the video, I was surprised they didn’t hang the device and splay the U-Bar to demonstrate that it can be articulated at a slightly downward angle on a wall, providing easy viewing slightly above the workspace. This is a key advantage that I could see people exploiting in small businesses where desk, counter and wall space is at a premium.

And ergonomics concerning iPad is no laughing matter either. Companies are being cautious about the potential impact on workers who create a lot of content on the virtual keyboard. It’s just too early to say if keyboard angle and other factors will impact heavy users significantly. A device that has few viewing limitations is likely to get the nod from the ergo-police and physical therapists.

The pledge required to get your hands on one early is $50 (for lowrCASE) and $60 for UPPRCASE – not bad for a wide range of use cases and a few unique applications.