Foam Wrist Rest for Tablets. Wait. What?

You know what your tablet needs? A wrist-rest. That’s where the TAB Rest comes in. Because your iPad weighs so damn much, and you have trouble holding it for any more than five minutes before your weak, t-rex-like arms start to sag, the TAB Rest exists to let you place the iPad on your lap […]
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Pretend your tablet is an uncomfortable-to-use laptop with this great wrist rest

You know what your tablet needs? A wrist-rest. That's where the TAB Rest comes in. Because your iPad weighs so damn much, and you have trouble holding it for any more than five minutes before your weak, t-rex-like arms start to sag, the TAB Rest exists to let you place the iPad on your lap or other fairly horizontal surface.

And while the wedge-shaped foam base is supporting your tablet, it also supports your wrists, thanks to a big foamy chin which sticks out from the bottom.

This is wrong in plenty of ways, all of which can be tested by you and me right now. Take your tablet and prop it up, in landscape orientation, on a table or in your lap. Now use it. I'm willing to bet that you're not approaching it like you would a keyboard, with hands flat, palms down. You're more likely poking at it with a finger or two.

Now, I often prop my iPad into this position so I can read whilst eating breakfast, say, but I sure don't need a wrist rest. The Smart Cover does just fine. And if you yank the cover off, still folded into its triangular tube, it works to prop the iPad up in portrait mode, too.

Then again, the company behind the TAB Rest also sells something called a Smartphone Coaster, so I guess we shouldn't really be surprised. The TAB Rest costs $15. Alternatively, you could just wad up 15 one-dollar bills and lean your iPad up against that.

NEW TAB Rests [New PC Gadgets, thanks, Michael!]