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iBook Author's Interesting Terms and Conditions

This article is more than 10 years old.

So, if you start up your new textbook writing company, decide to use Apple's new iBook Author software to help you (which you might well, as it's a spiffing piece of software) you'll have something of a surprise when you finish the process of writing your textbook.

If you charge a fee for any book or other work you generate using this software ... you may only sell or distribute such Work through Apple (e.g., through the iBookstore) and such distribution will be subject to a separate agreement with Apple.

You might think that to be a fair enough part of the End User's Licence Agreement (EULA) and you might not. It's certainly true that certain legal jurisdictions wouldn't hold this as being a valid constraint upon users. It's also possible that others might insist that it holds and binds the user.

However, the part of it that really does seem rather strange is that the EULA doesn't seem to run when you open or operate the package.

The restriction is displayed when users run iBook Author, but only at the end of the e-book design process. At which point one might be prompted to go back and read the EULA - which wasn't displayed during the installation of the program.

Yes, quite, you find this out when you have finished writing your textbook, not when you have still to begin.

A not binding in many jurisdictions constraint, one that many people will think is fair enough anyway (Apple is providing the software for free after all), but one that really ought to be explained at the start, not the end, don't you think?