DryCase announces waterproof DryBuds w/ Microphone

DryCase stands out in the crowd of iPhone-in-a-bag protection. The company's DryCase has a vacuum sealing feature, but also an integrated audio jack. The idea is you could take your iPhone, iPod, or iPad to the beach/pool, out in the rain, or whatever and still use your device without worrying about it getting wet. All the while still listening to tunes. Below is a video of the product at CES.

DryCase this week announced DryBuds to compliment its DryCase. The device is a sports-style around the ear headphone that can be submerged in water. The headphone offers 100-percent water proof. Additionally, it has a built-in microphone to use for calls and Siri, for example. Presumably the microphone won't perform all well while under water, but should be good when you come up for air.

The DryBuds Sport is available now for $34.99.
