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New York Designer Putting Together Unofficial Spotify iPad App

New York Designer Putting Together Unofficial Spotify iPad App

April 13, 2012
Max Petriv is my hero. My utter disgust at Spotify's inability to produce an official iPad client has been well documented. And Petriv, an interactive UI/UX designer and developer from New York, is taking it upon himself to beat Spotify to the punch. Petriv emailed us this morning to let us know that he is using his skills to start work on designing an unofficial Spotify app for the iPad. He sent in the top photo showing what the app looks like so far. "I've started the project last week," he said. "It all began when I realized how much I love Spotify, and how there is no official app. I didn't want to create something that looked like their regular app either. The idea here is to make it more fun to explore music and find something you didn't even know you liked." Spotify has been promising an official iPad app since late last year, but there is still no word when, or if, it will ever appear. And it's not like the company doesn't have the money to do it, seeing as Spotify pulled in $886 million in revenue in the last 12 months and is currently valued at more than $4 billion. Petriv, who is documenting his progress with the app on his @talkaboutdesign Twitter account, said that even Spotify's PR team called him yesterday to inquire whether he is designing the official app. It's just an unofficial version, but the company should take note of his spectacular design skills. According to Petriv, there is no firm timeline for release, but he is talking with a few iOS developers who could possibly join him to make this app a reality. The work looks spectacular so far, and I'll buy it the second it goes live in the App Store. What do you think?

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