Chief of Police Orders Ten Officers to Hunt Down Son's Stolen iPhone

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Blood runs thicker than water and, apparently, familial iPhones are more important than real police work. At least, that's the case in Berkeley, where Police Chief Michael Meehan ordered ten of his officers to look for his son's stolen iPhone.

When Meehan's little boy lost his iPhone from his locker at Berkeley High School on January 11th, his father was quick to act, reports the SFGate. The phone in question had tracker software installed, so Meehan deployed his crime sergeant's team, as well as drug task force officers, to hunt it down. Drug task officers!


The phone stopped transmitting a signal eventually, and was never found. Still, that didn't stop ten officers looking for it, four of whom were being paid overtime throughout the process.

SFGate reports that, conveniently, none of the officers filed a report about the incident when it happened in January. Since word spread, a department spokesperson has explained that lack of paperwork as "an oversight that came to our attention when researching" the allegations. Convenient.


It's not the first time Meehan has been in hot water: he's being investigated by a San Francisco law firm for sending an officer to a reporter's home after midnight to get changes to be made for a story. In other words, he thinks he's a big deal. Though clearly, his son's iPhone is a pretty big deal, too—so it's a shame that even all that effort didn't find it. [SFGate]

Image from City of Berkeley