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Is Apple's Siri having an outage?

Siri mesage
Suzanne Choney /

You might be trying to ask Siri about different restaurants for Friday night right about now, and finding that she's having trouble answering. You are not alone.

Other iPhone 4S owners are sharing the same frustration, some taking to Twitter. "#Siri is sick, she keeps telling me she can't' help right now. I need her!" tweeted Shawna, joined by a chorus of others saying they too, are not getting responses from Apple's voice-activated assistant.

"Siri, how do I perform CPR on your CPU?" tweeted Steven B. I tested Siri on my iPhone 4S, and was also met with a kind of *cough* *cough*:

"Sorry, there's something wrong. Can you please try that again?" Siri told me. I did and got this response: "Uh oh. There's a problem. Can you please try again?" A third time brought the same response.

Siri message

We've contacted Apple to find out what's going on, and will update this post if we hear back

TechCrunch was among the first to note that it "would appear Siri is down. We’ve tested five iPhone 4S models, all of which are running iOS 5.1. One of the iPhones in the TechCrunch office is running iOS 6, and Siri seems to be working fine on the newer OS."

The newer iOS 6 is not out publicly yet, but is in test mode for some. And Apple is getting ready to likely announce a new iPhone next week. So, perhaps there's some intensive, last-minute developer testing going on that's mucking with Siri  — and our weekend plans.

Siri worries on Twitter
A snapshot of some of those on Twitter noting Siri's state ofTwitter

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