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'iPad Mini' reportedly delayed, Apple rumor mill churns

By Diana Samuels
 –  Technology Reporter, Silicon Valley Business Journal

We may have to wait a little longer to see whether the “iPad Mini” really exists.

The rumored device, with a 7.85-inch screen, was expected to launch at an event later this month. But media invites weren’t sent out Wednesday as expected, and DigiTimes reported Thursday that production of the devices is being delayed.

Though the smaller iPad is still just a rumor, there is certainly a lot of buzz about it from credible sources. The Wall Street Journal reported on the device this week, saying component suppliers in Asia have received orders to make more than 10 million of the tablets. Fortune attributed the news that invitations were to be sent out Oct. 10 to a “major Apple investor who says he’s heard it from ‘multiple sources.’”