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Ars Technicast, Episode 13: iPad mini-me, can you complete me?

What's the tablet scene like with the iPad mini in it?

What's the tablet scene like when you introduce the world to a mini-me? And does that make the larger iPad a jumbo?
What's the tablet scene like when you introduce the world to a mini-me? And does that make the larger iPad a jumbo?
New Line Cinema

This week in the Ars Technicast we talk about the iPad mini, which Apple announced earlier this week, along with an update to the larger iPad. Senior Apple Editor Jacqui Cheng, who liveblogged the event, shares her first-hand impressions of Apple's new tablet. We also discuss the merit of a smaller screen size and how the mini might compare to other mobile devices. Cheng is joined by Social Editor Cesar Torres, Senior Reviews Editor Lee Hutchinson, and Associate Writer Andrew Cunninghman.

Do you have thoughts on the iPad mini? Share them below.


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