Who Is Eddy Cue? The Guy Who Fixes All of Apple's Problems

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Eddy Cue, Apple's senior vice president of Internet Software and Services and Ferrari board member, is Apple's do everything, fix any problem man. According to WSJ, he's the guy who's in charge of fixing Apple Maps and Siri.


Because Scott Forstall is out at the company, Apple has tapped Cue to fix two of Apple's biggest gaffes. People describe Cue as the guy in charge of "all the most important services if Apple wants to grow" and the person who championed a 7-inch tablet before Apple released the iPad Mini. He's not a showman though, claiming he's uncomfortable on stage, but from the sounds of it, he's actually pretty personable (or at least more than Forstall). The WSJ:

Employees single him out as the rare senior Apple manager who likes to make small talk and discuss sports. (Mr. Cue is a Duke University basketball fanatic, and his office is full of photos of the team.)

Employees appreciate that he doesn't shy from acknowledging mistakes head-on by saying things like "We really f-ed up," said people who know him.


On top of all his other responsibilities, Cue is expected to launch iTunes 11 on Thursday (tomorrow). Given the sucktitude of iTunes in recent years, we'll see if Cue can really fix the mess that is iTunes. And if he does, maybe Apple Maps and Siri actually have a chance of becoming good. [WSJ]