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Review: Glove.ly touchscreen gloves

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Some smartphones like the Nokia Lumia 920 allow touch screen control even with gloves on. But for iPhones and the majority of Android devices, users have no option in cold weather but to take theif fingers out of their gloves in order to interface with their devices. We've seen gloves that have capacitive tips, but these are often bulky and generally unattractive. Glove.ly solves the problem with a little bit of style.

Glove.ly is a fully conductive touch screen glove with real silver threading thats lets you use your phone with your whole hand (instead of just small ugly fingertip pads). They're soft, attractive, and inexpensive at $25.00 a pair.

Glove.ly's gloves are thin, lightweight and conveniently designed to fit all hand sizes. They fit snugly and seem to adjust to your hand size after a few hours so they don't feel over stretched.

Glove.ly gloves also come with magnets that connect the two gloves together so there's less of a chance of them getting lost. I tested a pair recently during a particularly cold day in Toronto and they managed to keep my hands warms in -17 wind chills for around 20 minutes ( it got too cold after that and I needed thicker gloves).

The Glove.ly pair worked as promised. I was able to use various mobile devices. Interacting with my iPhone 5, Galaxy SIII was doable but without the precision of using bare fingers. I managed to shoot photos, scroll through email messages and even managed to type out a few tweets.

The gloves also work well for general use but I would advise against using them for driving since they are a bit slippery on the steering wheel. 

Glove.ly has taken capacitive gloves to another level. Being lightweight and easy to carry makes them a great second options for general use but the may not be enough for really cold Canadian winter temperatures.

Glove.ly gloves are still highly recommended for general use and can truly make a difference when one needs to access their mobile devices while keeping their hands warm.

Rating: 4 out of 5

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