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Prices For Haswell Have Been Released

Category: CPU's
Posted: 10:31PM

Prices for Intel’s next generation of processors, Haswell, have been released. The information comes from a Chinese source that was able to get access to information about the MSRP of Haswell. Please keep in mind that the prices below are lower than the actual prices consumers will see; however, they can serve to give an idea of the prices for the new CPUs. For reference, the Core i7-3770k has a MSRP of $332.

 Pricing table

It's in the lower part of the table that it gets interesting, because that is where the new generation is slightly cheaper than Ivy Bridge. The i5-4570 is only $189 compared to its predecessor, i5-3570, which costs $213. An interesting detail is that Intel is introducing more chips in the low- to mid-range segment. This could be a sign that Intel intends to win the market for laptops and tablets, since manufacturers of those will be able to choose the best suited chip for the job. The old x6xx chip is back as well, which was left out in Ivy Bridge. So it should now be possible to choose a CPU that suits ones needs and budget exactly.

A reminder as to why you should be excited for Haswell. It is expected to be up to 10-15% faster than Ivy Bridge, the iGPU is said to be twice as fast as HD 4000 iGPU and to top it off it is going to require less power to operate.

Source: ExtremeTech

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