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Oracle Weekly Roundup: Sailing, Sweeteners, & Superclusters


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Got your personal mobile device locked and loaded with reading material for this summery weekend? To ensure you don’t miss a technical beat, OracleVoice has scoured the web to surface a selection of nuggets worth your while. We’ll post a new list each Friday morning.

America’s Cup fans will find fascinating this Extreme Navigation video, in which ORACLE TEAM USA shares how they plot a safe course during turbulent weather. For perspective on just how dangerous weather can be, sailing connoisseurs who missed its 2001 hardcover release should read The Proving GroundG. Bruce Knecht’s can’t-put-it-down account of the tragic 1998 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. The prologue, in which Larry Ellison offers a memorable assessment of a looming hurricane, has become a classic of sports writing.

Oracle is sweetening the pot for its partners, reports A new program will enable resellers to earn additional rebate incentives for selling hardware and software solutions engineered to work together. In a separate story, CRN adds that Oracle is also giving partners more skin in cloud sales. That should accelerate Oracle’s already impressive footprint of more than 10,000 cloud customers supporting 25 million cloud users worldwide.

Wondering why Customer Experience is generating so much buzz? Then check out “The CX Factor: Wooing and Wowing Customers in the Digital Age,” in the July/August issue of Oracle Magazine. As Oracle enterprise architect Eric Stephens told author Bob Rhubart, “The Zen of CX is what will draw folks to a particular product or platform.”

The intro of Oracle’s SuperCluster T5-8 should whet the tech palates of high-performance fans. It’s Oracle’s fastest engineered system, and is billed as a box that’s ideal for database and application consolidation and for hosting private clouds. To learn more, check out this webcast.

How will Big Data revolutionize healthcare? Politico assesses the question, in this vendor-agnostic story, through the public-sector prism. Author Eric Dishman, who’s an Intel fellow, relates how his personal medical experiences led him to participate in a Bipartisan Policy Center forum to explore policies to encourage big data–driven innovation. “Big Data provides us an opportunity to transition to a personal care system,” Dishman writes. “This personal view would allow us to take data about a patient’s genomes, medical history, and behaviors to construct a virtual model that would help predict which treatments will be most effective and [to] customize them.” For an adjunctive introduction to big data, download the Oracle white paper, “Big Data for the Enterprise.”

“Larry Ellison’s Fantasy Island,” in the Wall Street Journaloutlines the ambitious plans of Oracle’s cofounder and chief executive officer for Lanai, the Hawaiian island he bought last year. Ellison is intent on improvements like paving roads and building water desalination plants. The goal is to make Lanai “the first economically viable 100-percent-green community,” Ellison told author Julian Guthrie, who’s just released the book The Billionaire and the Mechanic: How Larry Ellison and a Car Mechanic Teamed Up to Win Sailing’s Greatest Race, the America’s Cup. “We want to make the island better for everyone, especially the people who live there,” Ellison said.

And don’t forget the Best of OracleVoice right here on My Twitter followers at @awolfe58 won’t be surprised to see me reprise the link to “Complexity Barrier Makes IT Matter More Than Ever.” The post is a thought-leadership piece pondering how CIOs should deal with what amounts to technology overload, and I’d love your feedback.

For those wondering just how high data-storage requirements will go, see John Foley’s “As Big Data Explodes, Are You Ready For Yottabytes?” No, that term for 1 septillion bytes has nothing to do with the mythical Yeti.

Finally, if you have any doubts as to whether the ramp from today’s 9 billion Internet-connected devices to 50 billion devices in a few years’ time will heavily impact the enterprise, read Bob Evans’ “The Internet of Things: Will M2M Transform Your Company or Kill It?

What’s on your weekend e-reading list? E-mail me here or follow me on Twitter at @awolfe58.

Further Reading from OracleVoice:

Top 5 Processor Myths

Complexity Barrier Makes IT Matter More Than Ever

Customer Experience Key To 'Computing Everywhere' Business Success

Little MEMS Sensors Make Big Data Sing