PalmAddict — How Apple technology helps me everyday.

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How Apple technology helps me everyday.

I counted all my technology and mobile devices today and they are, surprisingly, all Apple products. From iPhone to iPads, to MacBook Air to MacBook pro and my beloved iMac everything is Apple. I asked myself why is everything Apple? I could not come up with one clear concise answer, needless to say I find Apple products to be both easy to use, beautiful, obviously graphically pleasing and just do the job that I have assigned it todo. Take my iPhone, I’m able to press the button on my steering wheel and send a tweet, my iPhone is listening for me, it transcribes what I say and sends the tweet. This was not something I envisaged doing five or so years ago. But that’s the advantage of just being able to do something easily with one click and my iPhone is perfect for that. I find with Android, it’s a process, I don’t necessarily have the time to work through processes to perform what I need my mobile device to do so yet with iPhone it just does everything simply and quickly. I find that with most of my Apple devices such as my iPad and my iMac it is all effortless and when I need something I don’t necessarily have to think about it, it’s just done quickly. I’m grateful to Apple and to Steve Jobs for creating this more effective way of work, and more beautiful way of communicating and for also making it interesting to use a computer and for that I am thankful to Apple. Will I continue to use their products? Of course I well unless something even better than Apple is produced however I doubt that will happen any time soon. I hope you are having a great day.
Written and uploaded using my iPhone 5