Projector Up! Review
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Projector Up! Review

Our Review by Angela LaFollette on October 4th, 2013
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: SIMPLIFIED ACCOUNTING
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Designed for freelancers and small businesses, Projector Up! helps make managing finances a less daunting task.

Developer: Moslight LLC
Price: Free
Version: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPhone 5

iPhone IntegrationRating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar
User InterfaceRating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

As a freelance writer and small business owner, keeping tabs on all of my finances and projects can become quite daunting. Plugging numbers into excel, cross referencing projects and figuring out my profits are just a few tasks that can get overwhelming. Now that there’s an app for pretty much everything, I was intrigued by what Projector Up! had to offer myself and other freelancers.

The app’s main purpose is management of accounting. It focuses only on small studios and freelancers and isn’t intended for big businesses. Aside from its simple and clean interface, Projector Up! boasts many features like goal tracking, financial planning and visual tracking.

To get started, users are required to make a profile that can be color coded projects can be found easily. After a project is created, users can then add individual projects and tasks within that specific project or create new projects to manage. Each project can feature an image, description and color.

Once inside a specific project, tapping on the Plus button reveals another menu where users can add another photo, task name, description, budget and background color. After all of this is established, an activity can be added such as the project progress percentage, funds, a photo and notes.

What’s great about Projector Up! is that its interface looks great on iOS7. The colors pop on the screen, projects are managed with ease and there’s no need to store unwanted data. The downfall to the app is that it is quite confusing to use. There’s no tutorial to help guide users. It took me about 10 to 15 minutes to figure out how to add all the details into the app, and then I found myself constantly tapping back and forth between projects and tasks. The addition of swiping gestures would help make navigating the app a little easier.

All in all, Projector Up! provides users with an innovative way to keep track of projects. It’s not quite as detailed and goal oriented as other apps that fall in the same category, but it gets the job done and it isn’t loaded with too many features. Since it’s completely free to download and try, anyone who is still in need of a project and finance app to help keep things a little more organized may wish to explore this one.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Projector Up! screenshot 1 Projector Up! screenshot 2 Projector Up! screenshot 3 Projector Up! screenshot 4
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