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Valve's Steam Machines will support AMD, Nvidia and Intel

Valve's SteamOS-operated Steam Machines will not be Nvidia exclusive, Valve spokesman Doug Lombardi told Maximum PC, confirming that machines will rollout next year with AMD, Nvidia and Intel graphics hardware.

"Last week, we posted some technical specs of our first wave of Steam Machine prototypes," Lombardi told Maximum PC. "Although the graphics hardware that we've selected for the first wave of prototypes is a variety of Nvidia cards, that is not an indication that Steam Machines are Nvidia-only. In 2014, there will be Steam Machines commercially available with graphics hardware made by AMD, Nvidia, and Intel. Valve has worked closely together with all three of these companies on optimizing their hardware for SteamOS, and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future."

Lombardi's confirmation follows Nvidia and Valve's announcement late last month that they have been collaborating to develop Valve's Linux-based SteamOS platform.

"The collaboration makes sense as both companies strongly believe in the importance of open-platform innovation, and both companies are committed to providing gamers with a cutting-edge visual experience," Mark Smith, Nvidia's senior technical evangelist had stated in a blog post. Nvidia engineers have been working on OpenGL performance, optimizing overall performance for Nvidia graphics cards and assisting Valve in porting the Source engine to Linux.

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