Mind blowing: Apple CEO tells ‘deniers’ to get out of Apple stock

Mind blowing: Apple CEO tells ‘deniers’ to get out of Apple stock (2014-03-03).  Anthony Watts publishes so many dumb/nasty things on his blog I often decide the toxic exposure just isn’t worth the time. His blog is like a TV stuck on an endless loop of carnival hucksters extolling the magical healing powers of magnetic bracelets (except that Big Pharma is suppressing clinical trials), but now and then a stray squawk catches my ear and makes me laugh.

Here we have Anthony echoing the so-called National Center for Public Policy Research, “a non-partisan, free-market, independent conservative think-tank” dedicated to “expos[ing] efforts by left-wing interest groups to divert businesses away from best practices and into left-wing advocacy.” They were smacked down pretty hard when they tried to ask Apple’s CEO a question about the resolution they had submitted (devastatingly rejected) at Apple Inc’s recent AGM. Like Apple’s previous CEO, Tim Cook doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Especially stubbornly short-sighted, hypocritical ones who only get their knickers in a twist when a corporation’s political bias doesn’t match their own.

The “National Center” wanted Apple to pollute more and use more child labour so shareholders could make more money. Also, Apple should stop supporting equality and justice. The disgusted rebuff from Apple’s CEO is now being spun as proof that liberals and environmentalists are mean and secretive.

Anthony has long nurtured an irrational hatred for Apple, probably driven by the company’s long record of supporting liberal causes. His contribution to the self-pity party is below, with my annotations. And you thought Anthony was just mule-headed wrong on environmental issues!

Hmmm. This is the best argument I’ve ever heard for not using Apple products (besides the overinflated prices). [False claim. Same price as equal quality competitors. – Ben] Being flush with cash is probably why the CEO says he doesn’t care about the ROI (return on investment) [Misrepresentation. “When we work on making our devices accessible by the blind,” he said, “I don’t consider the bloody ROI.” He said that the same thing about environmental issues, worker safety, and other areas where Apple is a leader.” Apple has a highest profit margins in the industry so only an idiot – paging Anthony & Co. – would conclude that Apple doesn’t care about ROI. – Ben] and won’t make the costs transparent per a shareholder request [What cost is Apple concealing? – Ben]. Seems like a sensible business request to me. [Yeah, Anthony and these libertarian dick-wads have SO MUCH to teach one of America’s most successful corporations! – Ben]

This whole thing is playing out like run-of-the-mill libertarian posturing. How is even Anthony’s feeble mind “blown”?

2 thoughts on “Mind blowing: Apple CEO tells ‘deniers’ to get out of Apple stock

  1. This is the best argument I’ve ever heard for not using Apple products

    Really? (besides the overinflated prices) Ah, not then!

    Being flush with cash is probably why the CEO says he doesn’t care about the ROI

    As far as a business goes, being flush with cash and not caring about ROI are pretty much mutually exclusive.

    Seems like a sensible business request to me

    Has he read his own words? It is staggeringly apparent that sensible isn’t something that his radar could ever pick up.

    [Or his follow-the-bouncing-ball readers. – Ben]

  2. It’s interesting to follow policies of large US corporations. Plus 1 for Apple. Then we have Google that doesn’t seem to see a problem with supporting ALEC and climate denial politicians. Also Washington Post under Bezos that has some reasonable science based editorials but give George Will full freedom for anti-science rants. What we [need] next is more direct support for a national carbon tax from major US/International corporations.

    [I had great hope for Google in the early days, but “Don’t be evil” rings hollow now… – Ben]

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