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Getty Images releases free iOS app for browsing and sharing millions of images

Getty Images releases free iOS app for browsing and sharing millions of images


Putting a new business model into action

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Six months after shifting its business model to embeddable photos, Getty Images has released an iOS app designed to help you browse and share its massive collection. The app, called Stream, lets you search Getty's archives to find images that you can legally share and embed for non-commercial purposes on blogs and social media. Or you can browse photo streams created by Getty editors in categories like news, sports, entertainment and "archival," which highlights photos of historical significance.

getty stream

The app also has a slideshow feature that connects to AirPlay, so can easily display a stream on Apple TV. Or you can share images directly to Facebook or Twitter from the app interface. The one thing you can't do: save photos to your camera roll. Instead, you can "copy" an image, which saves an embed code to your clipboard. Getty likes embeds because they give the company control over the image and could eventually monetize them by inserting advertising or collecting user information. If you're looking for an image, you may find it pluck from Flickr's extensive Creative Commons collection for easier sharing. But given the millions of top-notch images hosted by Getty, Stream is well worth a look.