Golfinity Review
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Golfinity Review

Our Review by Campbell Bird on November 17th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: ENDLESS GOLFER
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This endless golfer presents infinite courses suspended in 3D space that incorporate ramps, stairs, holes, and more to infinitely challenge players.

Developer: NimbleBit
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.2
App Reviewed on: iPhone 4S

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Playtime Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: starstarstarstarstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Dig this: Are you having trouble coming in at or under par? Do the M.C. Escher-esque courses make your eyes hurt? Check out our Golfinity tips and tricks guide!

Golfinity is an endless golf game very similar to the much discussed Desert Golfing that also came out this year. In both games, players are presented with a simplified "drag and release" golfing mechanic that is spread across an infinite number of holes. Golfinity seems to be NimbleBit's take on the endless golfer, complete with a few twists to keep it feeling fresh.

For those unfamiliar with NimbleBit, these developers are the minds behind beloved and respected free-to-play mobile titles like Tiny Tower, and Pocket Planes. With that pedigree in mind, the smooth, minimalistic, 3D rendered look of Golfinity is an odd association. Aside from the visuals though, NimbleBit's hallmarks of good design, non-invasive free-to-play models, and a quick pick-up-and-play fun are all very much present.

Playing Golfinity is deceptively difficult. All a player needs to do is drag their finger back in the opposite direction of where they want the ball to go, but controlling strength and trajectory become increasingly trickier as courses develop holes, incorporate ramps or loops, and the fixed perspective of the camera creates some M.C. Escher-style illusions of depth.

Taking depth into account is where most of the challenge in Golfinity comes from, and is also what primarily sets it apart from Desert Golfing. Another difference is that players can retry holes in Golfinity, whereas Desert Golfing forces players to keep progressing. In its initial release, Golfinity's ad service only kicked in when players chose to retry a hole, but the game has since been updated so that it's completely ad-free. Seeing as how it had no premium currencies or limitations to begin with, this means Golfinity is now a pure, fully-featured game with no ads that is 100% free.

Despite having limitless gameplay, Golfinity isn't necessarily limitless in its fun factor. As mentioned before, certain holes with particularly deceptive depth tricks can be infuriating, and having the ability to replay them doesn't help a whole lot. Also, players that simply aren't into playing another endless golfer probably won't find much to enjoy here, unless their primary complaint was the lack of 3D courses or something specific like that.

In the grand scheme of things though, Golfinity is completely worth picking up. There are no tricks to it being free, and it offers a constant and endless stream of its brand of golfing gameplay. Golfinity is refreshingly simple and straightforward, making it a near perfect on-the-go mobile game.

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