Does Apple’s CarPlay match the hype?

Marc Saltzman
Special for USA Today

While it might seem like Apple’s much hyped in-vehicle platform has stalled – with only a Ferrari FF offering CarPlay out of the 30-odd carmakers signed on so far – you won’t have to wait too much longer to test-drive the infotainment technology.

Along with a couple of aftermarket receiver solutions now offered by Pioneer, the Siri-powered CarPlay will be integrated in a number of U.S., European and Asian vehicles beginning in early-to-mid 2015.

Even though a recent University of Utah study found Siri and other speech-to-text technologies could still be a “cognitive distraction” while behind the wheel – especially if they’re unintuitive or inaccurate – many automakers will be adopting CarPlay as a safer and convenient way to be informed, in touch and entertained while on the go.

Here’s a short primer on what to expect in the coming months and years.

What is it?

Formerly “iOS in the Car,” Apple’s CarPlay was designed to be a better way to access your iPhone in your vehicle.

By plugging in a compatible device (iPhone 5 or newer), you can perform a number of functions using your voice. If the vehicle offers a touchscreen, drivers and passengers can also tap familiar app icons on the dashboard display.

Or, at the very least, CarPlay can be accessed via the vehicle’s knobs or dials to navigate between functions.

What can it do?

As the late Jim Morrison from The Doors once sang, it’s important to “keep your eyes on the road, and your hands upon the wheel.” While doing that, CarPlay lets you do a number of things, simply by asking Siri, your phone’s integrated personal assistant.

Key features include making calls, listening to voicemail, sending and receiving messages (spoken aloud by Siri), getting directions on a map and accessing your music, to name just a few.

Along with listening to your own locally-stored music, CarPlay also supports additional audio apps – including Spotify, iHeartRadio, Beats Music, Stitcher, MLB and CBS Radio –along with podcasts and audiobooks.

What do you need?

To use CarPlay, you’ll need two things: a compatible iPhone and a CarPlay-enabled vehicle or aftermarket receiver, such as one from Pioneer (and soon, Alpine). Pioneer’s CarPlay-supported models start at about $600.

On a related note, Siri is now truly hands-free with the iOS 8 update. That is, you no longer have to first press the circular Home button or a button on your car’s wheel to activate your personal assistant. Simply say “Hey, Siri” before asking for information or giving commands. You’ll need to enable this feature in the Settings>General>Siri.

Android phone users, however, will have to wait for Google’s Android Auto, a comparable technology that leverages the Android smartphone experience.

Why CarPlay?

With more than 40 percent market share in the U.S. alone (comScore), iPhone is the no. 1 most popular smartphone in the country (followed by Samsung at roughly 28 percent). With this kind of penetration in the smartphone space, CarPlay would likely appeal to a large number of customers looking to extend the familiar experience to their vehicles.

Auto makers are also optimistic about CarPlay.

Miles Johnson, Manager of Connected Care Publicity at Hyundai Motor America, says CarPlay solves three problems that are currently “plaguing the car industry.”

“The first is Bluetooth pairing, because your car isn’t updated as fast as the technology in smartphones,” explains Johnson. “Therefore, your car can’t always support new devices out there. CarPlay and Android Auto solves this because it’s plug-and-play with a USB cable.”

“Voice recognition is a second advantage, as Siri and Google are much more robust and accurate than what auto makers have attempted to do on their own,” says Johnson, who also cites big costs in developing a hands-free infotainment solution on your own or with a partner (e.g. Ford and Microsoft, on SYNC).

Finally, Johnson says CarPlay’s familiar apps and touchscreen controls are “key” to its success. “Let’s face it, Apple nails the interface,” he said. “A person touches their phone 150 times a day, so when a car can offer the same layout – it’s more comfortable, intuitive and cuts down on driver distraction.”

Hyundai will be among the first automakers to offer both Apple CarPlay and Google’s Android Auto inside its vehicles, beginning this year.