I Want This Screen Protector That Magically Gives iPhones a Back Button

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Why doesn’t it have a back button? I ask no one in particular. Why do I have to reach all the way up there to go back where I came from? Soon, there may be an answer for my iPhone frustration—a screen protector with a virtual back button.

Halo Back, a new Kickstarter project, is such a simple idea I’m kicking myself for not thinking of it first. It’s literally just a glass screen protector with a separate capacitive channel that links the bottom of the glass to the top. When you tap the invisible button in the bottom-left corner of the screen protector, it translates that touch to the top-left corner instead—which is exactly where many, many iOS apps place their individual back buttons. Genius.

Of course, that means if Apple ever mandates a change in UI design, it could render these screen protectors somewhat obsolete. But for now, it sounds great! If you’re willing to take a risk on what sounds like a super viable idea—buyer beware, it’s a Kickstarter project—you can help crowdfund it for just $17 today.



Contact the author at sean.hollister@gizmodo.com.