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By Norm Morin

If you purchased a computer that originally ran Windows 7, you should be able to load Windows 10.

But, do you really want to take that step?

Before you make such a major change, consider why you want to load a new operating system.

Windows 7 became the preferred operating system that most computer users have come to know and love. Microsoft attempted to ram Vista down our throats, but the computing public avoided it. Even though Microsoft did everything to convince the public that Vista was a superior operating system, XP remained the operating system of choice. Maybe Vista should have been named: No Thanks.

Microsoft worked diligently to kill XP. Computer purchasers combed the stores for computers that still were shipped with XP. Eventually, computers with XP became hard to find. People were forced to buy the Vista computers, but they removed Vista and installed XP. When Windows 7 was released, the public accepted it. Windows 7 became the new standard.

The current situation is that people prefer Windows 7 but it has been a long time since Windows 7 has been shipped on new computers. Windows 10 is the new mess that Microsoft is peddling. Business computer purchasers are still given the option of rolling back their computers to Windows 7, but most new residential computer purchasers are stuck with Windows 10.

Windows 7 is still available, but it is rare to find on a new computer. You could purchase and install Windows 7 on your new computer, but there is an important issue to address. Will the new computer execute Windows 7? Many people will install Windows 7 on their new computers. Sometimes it is worth the effort, but it could also be a failure.

It is very likely that the new hardware will run Windows 7, but the drivers are the big question. Drivers are special programs that allow the operating system to communicate with a piece of hardware. The drivers are usually on a CD when you purchase a new printer. You can’t use the printer until the driver is installed.

It is in Microsoft’s interest to not make drivers available for Windows 7. That will force a user to use Windows 10. However, the future isn’t too bleak. The operating system is just a way to allow you to use your favorite programs. If you use Microsoft Word on Windows 10, it is still Word. You don’t need to learn a “new” Word unless you are using a new version of Word. The difficult task is finding how to start the program.

Software and computer developers are constantly adjusting marketing strategies to maximize profits. How does the average computer user maximize their benefit from new products?

Norm Morin is founder of NKC Systems computer repair and consulting. Call 978-453-1355; visit 155 Broadway Road, Dracut; or email