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Microsoft opens Atlanta Innovation Center

By Carla Caldwell
 –  Morning Edition Editor, Atlanta Business Chronicle


Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) has opened its second U.S.-based Microsoft Innovation Center in the historic Flatiron building in downtown Atlanta.

The center, which officially opened Tuesday, will work with Atlanta’s Women’s Entrepreneurship Initiative (WEI) to provide development software, coaching and grants to selected women entrepreneurs. Click here to read more about WEI.

“We aim to foster innovation, collaboration and economic growth in local communities as an inherent piece of our culture and look forward to expanding our work in the Atlanta community,” said Judson Althoff, president of North America at Microsoft. “The MIC will allow us to provide training and resources to thousands of members of the technology, education and business communities; help hundreds of businesses grow; and host countless learning and networking events.”

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed joined Althoff at the center to celebrate the opening.

“The City of Atlanta is proud to be the home of the nation’s second Microsoft Innovation Center,” Mayor Reed said in a prepared statement. “Ensuring that our entrepreneurs have the right tools and resources to start and grow their businesses is essential. The Microsoft Innovation Center will be a vital asset to our Women’s Entrepreneurship Initiative and will empower entrepreneurs to create well-paying jobs and strengthen our economy."

The MIC is a result of the CityNext Digital Alliance between Microsoft Corp. and the City of Atlanta, which is part of Microsoft’s broader CityNext initative, according to Mayor Reed's office. The alliance focuses on increasing access to Microsoft software and technology support for citizens—with an emphasis on K–20 education, student entrepreneurs, software startups and job seekers. It supports the local economy through increased digital literacy, career readiness and services for accelerating innovation.

The Microsoft Innovation Center is one of more than 100 worldwide. The other U.S. location is in Miami, Atlanta Business Chronicle reported in January when the paper reported Microsoft would locate a center in Atlanta.