Public Loves Apple CEO Tim Cook, Sides With Government Anyway

Photograph by Joe Pugliese for Fortune

The American public still loves Apple CEO Tim Cook, despite the heated legal battle between Apple and the Department of Justice, in which the public seems to be siding with the government.

A survey released on Friday by polling company Morning Consult showed that four out of ten registered voters view Cook favorably, making him the second highest approved tech CEO in the U.S. According the poll, Cook sits behind Facebook (FB) CEO Mark Zuckerburg.

Morning Consult’s results also show that the majority of Americans believe Apple (AAPL) should help the government unlock the iPhone used by a terrorist during the San Bernardino shootings last years, findings similar to a recent Pew Research Center survey released this week.

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The polling company said that even after it gave “a lengthy explanation of Apple’s concerns,” 51 percent of voters said Apple should unlock the iPhone.

From the survey:

Morning Consult’s data show Americans are walking the same tightrope as U.S. intelligence officials when they say privacy is important, but they need access to the data on the phone. In short, people agree that their own privacy could be compromised if tech companies comply with a backdoor request, but they also see it as a way of preventing terrorism.

Still, the survey, gathered this week from 1,935 registered voters, showed that Americans still want tough security features installed on their phones.

For more on Apple’s security endeavors, check out this video:

Seventy-five percent of respondents said that security features like passcode locking and remote erasing of data in case of theft is important when they consider purchasing a smartphone.

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