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The Darker Side Of Digital

This article is more than 8 years old.

Innovation driven by the technology sector permeates our daily lives at a rapid pace, with very little warning.  Technology companies, device makers and artificial intelligence programs have the power and the potential to deliver efficiency and generate value for business and society.  But there is also a darker side to this digital shift.

Connected devices that track data, capture our biometrics, allow us to communicate quickly anywhere are rapidly being developed and launched into the market.  We know from experience that in a digital economy, first movers are rewarded.  Success is measured by speed of new product development.  But in their haste to be market leaders, companies may not be considering the societal and ethical ramifications of their technologies.

Consider just a few of the addictive, and sometimes very dangerous, side effects of digital technologies. Wearables and sensors can track fitness, biometric and other personal information which can be picked up by beacons and hacked.  Artificial intelligence and robots which are programmed to learn from humans can become racist and hateful. Bullying, demeaning and graphic content is produced by teenagers and aggressively posted and exchanged using their mobile phones.

To be fair, digital technologies have advanced knowledge and made significant contributions to society.  We have seen proof points of this in many sectors such as  digital health devices which monitor patient health, smart appliances which use less energy and  mobile devices which provide safer payment exchange and educational opportunities in rural areas., just to name a few.

But there are risks and we may not know how digital devices impact our lives in the long run.  To draw an analogy, auto manufacturers have crash test dummies to improve physical safety.  Pharmaceutical companies must perform drug studies which go through structured phases to prove their safety and efficacy. But when it comes to digital technologies, we only learn about the ill effects to society after the product is released.

The point is not about whether we need to halt innovation or whether we need more laws governing digital technologies.  Innovation should continue and usage doesn’t necessarily need to be legislated. But, there needs to be a richer and more comprehensive dialogue on what constitutes a healthy digital life and how these technologies can affect our well-being.  Companies and consumers need a forum where they can discuss the ethical, behavioral and societal issues that may arise from a new digital technology.

Both, companies and consumers need to participate in a dialogue which constructively asks tough questions. At what age should a child have their own mobile phone? Which functions should exist on their phones? Who should interact with artificial intelligence which has the potential to learn from humans? Should data tracked by sensors and wearable technologies ever be allowed in the cloud?  What are the emerging risks or scenarios which need to be studied?

This is an opportunity for business leaders and innovators to take a leading stance to create user forums which surface potential risks, inform product development and design guidelines.  After all, when they are not at work, they too are consumers which face many of these same risks and issues in their own digital lives.