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The WWDC 2016 Ticket Lottery Has Closed

Apple is now in the process of emailing winners and charging their accounts
Apple Announces
April 23, 2016

The WWDC 2016 ticket lottery closed yesterday morning, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Developers lucky enough to be selected to attend the conference have apparently been emailed, and charges are in the process of appearing on credit card statements.

However, if you haven't received a confirmation email from Apple yet, don't worry: as MacRumors explains, the company has said that it's planning on emailing winning developers by Monday, April 25, at 5:00 Pacific Time. As such, you've got the weekend and most of Monday remaining to receive an email.

If selected, developers will be able to purchase a WWDC ticket from Apple, and prices for these are set at $1,599. There are also 350 WWDC scholarships for students and members of participating STEM organizations, and Apple is also offering 125 ticket awards to low-income developers, too.

Aside from its much-publicized WWDC keynote (during which we're expecting to see new versions of iOS, watchOS, tvOS, and OS X – or even MacOS – previewed), the conference also offers developers workshops, technical sessions, and hands-on labs.

Of course, we'll keep you posted with all the WWDC 2016 news as we receive it. Check back with us for more information.