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Flens is the smartphone flashlight amplifier you never knew you needed

Flens is the smartphone flashlight amplifier you never knew you needed

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I don't know about you, but I use my phone's flashlight a lot. Whether it's sorting cables at the back of my PC or navigating my way to the bathroom at night, it's just one of those super handy features that's rarely talked about. Part of why it's so anonymous is that it just works, there's no need for improvement, however a new Kickstarter out of Italy would beg to differ with that assessment.

Flens is a rather charming little lens that can be attached atop the flashlight on the back of your smartphone and concentrate its light into a beam that's an order of magnitude stronger. Or so it is claimed — like any Kickstarter, this should be treated with a measure of circumspection. Still, the light amplification might indeed prove useful to people shooting in absolute darkness or those looking to illuminate objects a little further away.

Designed primarily for Apple devices, the Flens attaches magnetically to a steel washer that you need to stick around your phone's flashlight. Some Android and Windows Phone devices will also be compatible, depending on the shape and positioning of their flash modules.

Early-bird Flens supporters can get one for €17 plus shipping — available worldwide — and deliveries will begin in July. The 2017 retail price, if the Flens proves to be a success, is expected to be €30.