
T-Mobile leads the big four in customer satisfaction survey

However, Sprint experienced the most growth.


T-Mobile has outranked the rest of the big four carriers in the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), knocking Verizon off its throne. While prepaid company TracFone Wireless remains at the top of the wireless provider list, it only got a point higher than T-Mo, which has scored 74 out of 100. That's six percent higher than its result last year, though Sprint has shown the most growth with an eight percent increase. T-Mobile became the third largest (un)carrier in mid-2015 and even gained 2.2 million new customers in the first quarter of this year. It has launched new no-contract options in recent years and expanded the features of its controversial Binge On offering.

AT&T and Verizon didn't do poorly -- the former got 71 percent, up from 70 last year, while Big Red got 71 percent like it did in 2015. However, it was Sprint's and T-Mo's scores that brought the average wireless provider satisfaction up by 1.4 percent from last year. When it comes to phone manufacturers, Apple is now at the top of the pile with 81 percent after spending a year tied with Samsung. The Korean company now comes in at a close second (80 percent). They're followed by Motorola with 77 percent, HTC with 75 and LG and Microsoft, both with 74 percent.

ACSI also tracked cable TV companies and ISPs, as you'll see in its report. But in all, wireless providers did a lot better than any of them. Despite getting higher scores than last year, for instance, Comcast and Time Warner Cable are still among the companies with the lowest customer satisfaction ratings.