Monday, May 06, 2024

Google’s Motion Stills app for iOS converts Live Photos in to GIFs

Motion Stills uses its own video stabilisation technology to freeze the background that makes GIFs even more smooth.

Google, MotionStills, Motion Sills, Google motion stills app, App store, GIFs, Live photos, create gifs from live photos, download motion stills, motion stills features, social media, smartphones, technology, technology news Google says the company has integrated the loop optimisation feature to bring out the best in shots.

Google just created an iOS app that let users convert Live Photos in to GIFs, and share them on social media too. Motion Stills uses its own video stabilisation technology to freeze the background that makes GIFs even more smooth.

“With Motion Stills, we provide an immersive stream experience that makes your clips fun to watch and share,” Google said in a blog post. Google Motion Stills also allows users to combine multiple clips to create a movie montage.

Google explains it stabilised hundreds of millions of videos before pioneering its video stabilisation technology. “Our algorithm uses linear programming to compute a virtual camera path that is optimized to recast videos and bursts as if they were filmed using stabilization equipment, yielding a still background or creating cinematic pans to remove shakiness,” it says.

Google, MotionStills, Motion Sills, Google motion stills app, App store, GIFs, Live photos, create gifs from live photos, download motion stills, motion stills features, social media, smartphones, technology, technology news Google’s MotionStills does not require users to sign in, and works even without an Internet connection.

Google says the company has integrated the loop optimisation feature to bring out the best in shots. “Our approach identifies optimal start and end points, and also discards blurry frames. As an added benefit, this fixes “pocket shots” (footage of the phone being put back into the pocket),” Google explains.

Google’s Motion Stills does not require users to sign in, and works even without an Internet connection. The app is available on the App Store.


First uploaded on: 12-06-2016 at 17:13 IST
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